La voz del alumnado en el conflicto escolar

  1. Ceballos Vacas, Esperanza María 1
  2. Correa Rodríguez, Nieves 1
  3. Correa Piñero, Ana Delia 1
  4. Rodríguez Hernández, Juan Antonio 1
  5. Rodríguez Ruiz, Beatriz 1
  6. Vega Navarro, Ana 1
  1. 1 Universidad de La Laguna

    Universidad de La Laguna

    San Cristobal de La Laguna, España


Revista de educación

ISSN: 0034-8082

Year of publication: 2012

Issue: 359

Pages: 554-579

Type: Article

More publications in: Revista de educación


School conflict has basically been studied from teachers’ adult perspective. This article aims to focus on the student perspective for a more in-depth analysis of school conflict. A survey comprising 42 school conflict situations (conflicts related to the school system, conflicts between peers and conflicts between teachers and students) was administered to 452 students of compulsory secondary education to analyse their perception of conflict frequency at their school and their negative emotional reactions when experiencing and observing conflicts. Descriptive statistics and contrast tests were carried out. Conflict frequency was shown to be low/medium. Conflicts related to the school system were significantly the most frequent, and conflicts between students and teachers, the least. Conflicts between peers and between teachers and students evoked a significantly stronger negative reaction. The variables were also analysed by educational stage/year and gender. As the year increased, a rising pattern was shown for school system conflicts and conflicts between teachers and students. Emotional reactions also rose for conflicts between teachers and students and fell for conflicts related to the school system. Boys and girls showed a similar conflict frequency, but girls were significantly more emotional when experiencing conflicts between peers, and boys, in turn, were more emotional when involved in school system conflicts. Girls were always more emotional when observing other people’s conflicts. These results highlight teenagers’ discrepancies with teachers’ perspectives, their rejection of teachers’ rules and their sabotaging of the school system. There is a need to build school rules shared by both teachers and students, and to remember that in adolescence opposition to adult authority is typical.

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