Do it Yourself in EducationLeadership for Learning across Physical and Virtual Borders

  1. Domingo-Coscollola, Maria
  2. Arrazola-Carballo, Judith
  3. Sancho-Gil, Juana Maria
IJELM, International Journal of Educational Leadership and Management

ISSN: 2014-9018

Year of publication: 2016

Volume: 4

Issue: 1

Pages: 5-29

Type: Article

DOI: 10.17583/IJELM.2016.1842 DIALNET GOOGLE SCHOLAR lock_openOpen access editor

More publications in: IJELM, International Journal of Educational Leadership and Management


Today more than ever, educational institutions need educational leaders who are able to promote profound, substantive and sustainable change. This paper is based on the efforts and results of the first stage of a European project implemented in universities and primary and secondary schools in Spain, Finland and the Czech Republic. The project seeks to explore the changes (and its educational effects) that have occurred in the last decade regarding digital competencies, especially in relation to the emergence of a culture of collaboration that connects youth learning, technology and a Do-it-Yourself (DIY) ethos. To achieve the project's objective, we followed a methodology based on the principles of collaborative action research (CAR). We have analysed the curricula and study plans of the participating institutions in order to explore how and where the project could be applied. We conducted a series of focus groups with teachers, students and parents to discuss notions of DIY learning among the educational communities. Based on these discussions, we began to analyse how each context envisions DIY learning and how it relates to the notion of virtual space. We finished the first stage with the professional development of the teachers, which was aimed at shaping the DIYLabs implementation plan.

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