University: Universidad del País Vasco

Area: Didactics of Plastic Expression

Research group: Elkarrikertuz INNOVACIÓN EN UN MUNDO CAMBIANTE: APRENDIZAJE REFLEXIVO DESDE LA CULTURA CONTEMPORÁNEA. Análisis y mejora de la calidad educativa a favor de una sociedad inclusiva, innovadora y eficiente


Personal web:

Doctor by the Universidad del País Vasco - Euskal Herriko Unibertsitatea with the thesis Entre tres voces, tiempos y espacios la construcción de la identidad y desarrollo como docente e investigadora en el contexto universitario de la educación en artes visuales 2009. Supervised by Dr. Edurne Uria Urraza, Dr. José Miguel Correa Gorospe.

Especialidades predominantes (top 5) Obtenidas a partir de las publicaciones

  1. Education Filtrar
  2. Visual Arts and Performing Arts Filtrar
  3. Archeology Filtrar
  4. Communication Filtrar
  5. Religious Studies Filtrar

The curriculum outlines a research and teaching career mainly associated with teacher’s training, pedagogical innovation and visual arts in educational contexts. I am currently (now and during last two years) the principal investigator of a community of practice where teachers reflect critically on learning from experiences in visual arts. In my professional development as university lecturer I distinguish three stages: - A first one focused on introduction to research and teaching in the Department of Didactics of Plastic Expression. - A second research time focused on the completion of my dissertation and consolidation as a teacher, favored by the subject of my dissertation. From research focused on the construction of professional identity, I connected with artistic narrative techniques as a form of educational inquiry. - And a third time where I continue my postdoctoral research and teaching focused on the research group. Becomes important visual facts, visual arts as a field of study for the improvement and educational innovation. In this way over the years I have taken part in 20 studies (one international, 14 regional, national 5) I have participated in 3 thematic networks, involving teachers from more than 5 universities, in addition I have led three pedagogical innovation projects at my university.