Formaçao de professores para a inclusao de jovens "em risco" nas escolas técnicas de Cabo Verde

  1. Lopes Furtado, Euclides Manuel Lopes Furtado
  1. Estela Pinto Ribeiro Lamas Zuzendarikidea
  2. José Ramón Alberte Castiñeiras Zuzendarikidea

Defentsa unibertsitatea: Universidade de Santiago de Compostela

Fecha de defensa: 2012(e)ko iraila-(a)k 05

  1. María Lourdes Montero Mesa Presidentea
  2. María A. Muñoz Cadavid Idazkaria
  3. Ana Paula Gomes de Sousa Pinto Guimarães Kidea
  4. Margarita R. Pino Juste Kidea
  5. David Rodrigues Kidea

Mota: Tesia


This study was conducted with the purpose of serving as one more subsidy in the fight against school and social exclusion. Focuses on teacher training, but recognizes that it is not useful to think of a plan of revitalization of the educational system, without critically looking at the diverse factors that positively or negatively influence the quality of education and the results of the students. Discusses the state-of-the-art of Inclusive Education by identifying the main causes of the failure and abandonment of school and comparing the scientific contributions on issues dealing with inclusion with the views of the members of the school. This study question: Which factors have contributed to the continuing weak social prestige and perceptions of technical schools and being seen as institutions of education with a large number of students with experiences of school failure and, naturally, with high probabilities of school abandonment?