Profesorado y Squeak ¿Una oportunidad para romper los mitos sobre la tecnología en la escuela?

  1. Fraga Varela, Fernando
  2. Gewerc Barujel, Adriana
RELATEC: Revista Latinoamericana de Tecnología Educativa

ISSN: 1695-288X

Year of publication: 2006

Volume: 5

Issue: 2

Pages: 465-482

Type: Article

More publications in: RELATEC: Revista Latinoamericana de Tecnología Educativa


It is quite likely that we are currently undergoing a massive introduction of new technologies into schools (digital blackboard, PC´s scanners, tactile screens...).Schools are progressively assimilating new technologies, but our hypothesis is that this only happens when the software used is compatible with shared myths and beliefs. This means that the software must not break with the currently existing school dynamic. Instead, it strengthens and re-enforces this dynamic. Thus, the type of software that is bought and sold aims to "gpetrify": the curriculum, methodology, school organisation and teacher roles. We venture to say that in the medium term, just as if we were talking about a marketing strategy, only those resources that integrate previous beliefs will be successful. Therefore, in schools we are seeing that ICT integration has not meant innovation. Instead, these technologies are being chewed and digested by an old-fashioned (established) system that seems invincible. Setting off on the road to the knowledge society requires schools to mutate, to become revitalised toward another concept, but what we do not know is if the political will exists in our community to go in that direction. Parting from the idea that some kind of innovative revolution is necessary, we began working with a type of software that "forces" the dominant grammar to change. Squeak is a software programme that allows students to build objects using "Powerful Ideas". Based on the ideas of Papert and Brunner, Squeak is basically a constructivist approach. Its use in learning situations represents a break with the dominant concept of teaching (that is, information is to be transmitted, and the textbook is the paradigmatic resource).The use of Squeak requires teachers to ask themselves what their role should be in the process, to plan and invent projects in which they are not the protagonists, but instead it is the students who need to find the answers for themselves. We realise that the proposed ideas are not completely new, as they have been inherited from 20th Century pedagogy, but they are renewed by the use of powerful software which allows students to carry out projects that would be unimaginable without this type of product. Pupils construct knowledge when they are faced with a problem and try to solve it using, for example, the simulation capabilities in Squeak. The student is the one who builds the simulation, not the one who observes. During this process, learners discover and start up powerful concepts that make it possible to understand the world around them. What happens when this type of approach is undertaken among experienced teachers? Squeak brings out some well-known educational technology myths as well as others that have not yet been explored. It requires a change in the way teaching and learning are conceptualised. This generates a certain "identity crisis" which makes it possible for reconceptualisation to occur (Perrenaud, 2004), and, therefore, may represent a starting point for the development of true teaching processes.

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