La utilización de las Tecnologías de Información y la Comunicación en la educación en la Isla de Santiago de Cabo Verde desde la perspectiva de los profesores, estudiantes y padres

  1. Semedo, Salvador Pereira
Supervised by:
  1. Prudencia Gutiérrez Esteban Director

Defence university: Universidad de Extremadura

Fecha de defensa: 15 January 2016

  1. Francisca José Serrano Pastor Chair
  2. Miguel Júlio Teixeira Guerreiro Jerónimo Secretary
  3. Sixto Cubo Delgado Committee member
  4. Lorea Fernández Olaskoaga Committee member
  5. Laura Alonso Díaz Committee member

Type: Thesis


During the last decade the occurrence of computers in Cape Verde has increased considerably, together with its influence in important sectors to the country's development. Nowadays, the traditional academic knowledge is not enough to ensure productivity unless this being complemented with developments belonging to Information and Communication Technologies. Thus, this research studies The use of Information and Communication Technology in Basic Education on the Island of Santiago in Cape Verde from the perspective of teachers, students and parents, in order to know the conditions and use of ICT in Basic Education, some years after national educational authorities have started a reform. This reform aims to change the educational paradigm in the country through the "Mundu Novu" Programme that formalizes the introduction of Information and Communication Technologies in Education. In terms of research methodology, it was necessary to combine quantitative oriented methods and techniques, through the application of questionnaires to students and teachers, with other qualitative tools as interviews to teachers and parents in all municipalities of the island. It is shown a descriptive and inferential analysis concerning access to resources and technological means by schools, teachers, students and their families. Additionally, it is considered these social groups� abilities when using such means as tools for fostering learning, complemented by qualitative analysis through these in depth interviews. Therefore, this study analyses the situation of the development of the "Mundu Novu" Programme on this island.