El bienestar emocional del profesorado en los centros TIC como factor de innovación educativa

  1. Pablos Pons, Juan de
  2. González Ramírez, Teresa
  3. González Pérez, Alicia
RELATEC: Revista Latinoamericana de Tecnología Educativa

ISSN: 1695-288X

Année de publication: 2008

Volumen: 7

Número: 2

Pages: 45-55

Type: Article

D'autres publications dans: RELATEC: Revista Latinoamericana de Tecnología Educativa


This paper proposes an approach to the subject of emotional well-being of teachers, analysing it as a construct that, along with others, helps to foster professional performance in educational contexts. In a more specific way, this contribution identifies some elements of analysis that will allow better knowledge of the bases of emotional well-being of teacher; in particular a number of dimensions that have contributed to develop a questionnaire. Based on this perspective is established a relationship between innovation support in using ICT and impact about emotional well-being of teacher.

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