La formación inicial del profesorado en el grado en educación primaria. Una valoración cualitativa del diseño y desarrollo curricular de la asignatura 'recursos tecnológicos didácticos y de investigación'
Universidad de Extremadura
ISSN: 1133-2654
Year of publication: 2015
Issue Title: ¿Qué maestros formamos desde los grados?
Issue: 25
Pages: 207-228
Type: Article
More publications in: Tendencias pedagógicas
Educational reform in the international area, is directed towards the quality of preservice teacher education. Today's society requires that teachers are trained to autonomy in learning, reflection on experience, adaptability to collaborative and multicultural contexts and to design teachinglearning environments enriched technologies. Digital competence is a key competence for lifelong learning that provides technical skills and knowledge to integrate digital technologies in education. The adaptation of the Spanish university to the European Higher Education Area has led to the creation of new titles like the Degree in Primary Education. In this article an impact assessment of this title in specific training in Educational Technology on the experience of its implementation and the University of Extremadura (Spain) is performed. The analysis of various data from various academic papers (verified memory, teaching plans, documents drafted by the commission of quality), allow us to obtain results that show a decrease in academic credits, an inadequate location of the subject within the curriculum sequence, a inconsistency between professional demands and lack of specialization pathways and increased administrative bureaucracy at the expense of innovation.
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