El LipDub como experiencia educativa para la expresión social y la participación de la comunidad universitaria

  1. Rosa Fernández Sánchez 1
  2. María José Sosa Díaz 1
  3. Jesús Valverde Berrocoso 1
  1. 1 Universidad de Extremadura/Grupo Nodo Educativo
Tejuelo: Didáctica de la Lengua y la Literatura. Educación

ISSN: 1988-8430

Any de publicació: 2013

Títol de l'exemplar: Comunicación social y Educación

Número: 8

Pàgines: 105-122

Tipus: Article

Altres publicacions en: Tejuelo: Didáctica de la Lengua y la Literatura. Educación


A LipDub or lip dub is a music video by a group of people who sync their lips, gestures and movements with a popular song or other music source recorded in a single sequence in which the people involved do playback while playing music. Nowadays, these music videos are used in preschool, primary and secondary education and colleges. The purposes for making these music videos are different: encourage the participation of the educational community, foster relationships between people who participate, communicate a message, publicize a school or college, to encourage creativity and spontaneity of the students in the staging, choreography and editing, among other purposes. In this paper, the Lipdub is defined as a learning resource that has been developed by teachers, students and administrative staff belonging to the Teacher Education Faculty of the University of Extremadura (Cáceres – Spain). The selection of music, the message to transmit, camera travelling, choreography and recording procedures were conducted in a cooperative manner, through collaborative virtual workspaces. The design and creation of this music video has been used to communicate ideas and values associated with social issues and helped develop creativity, spontaneity, authenticity and participation of all those involved in its preparation.

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