La Unión Europea y su política para la promoción de la ciberadministración en la sociedad de la información

  1. Martín González, María Yolanda
Anales de documentación: revista de biblioteconomía y documentación

ISSN: 1697-7904 1575-2437

Year of publication: 2009

Issue: 12

Pages: 159-179

Type: Article

More publications in: Anales de documentación: revista de biblioteconomía y documentación


This work tries to offer a general vision of the process of implantation and development of the electronic administration in the European Union. Taking the eurocommunity policy as a modal for the Society of the Information, the diverse ar-ticulated plans of action analyze environment to the initiative eEurope as well as the programs that support the development of the above mentioned plans. Likewise, there are described the principal European services of electronic administration that, like the only windows, offer cross-border and interactive services to citizens and companies and that are a fruit of the collaboration among the different national ad-ministrations and European.