Feedback y feedforward a través de los forosexperiencia en un curso online de la Universidad de Salamanca

  1. Iglesias Rodríguez, Ana
Education in the knowledge society (EKS)

ISSN: 2444-8729 1138-9737

Year of publication: 2012

Issue Title: Traducción literaria: expandiendo los límites

Volume: 13

Issue: 1

Pages: 459-477

Type: Article

More publications in: Education in the knowledge society (EKS)


This article aims at sharing an experience based on a USAL Studium (Moodle Platform-based) forum activity not only to conduct online students-teacher consultations but also to create a communicative space conducive to collaborative learning. General considerations on the relevance of forums will be introduced within the context of a richly collaborative community of learning which was built in the particular instance of one of the online training modules offered through Moodle as a Virtual Learning Environment. These initial notes will act as a framework for a more detailed description of the aims and development of this particular course. Finally, further suggestions will be made on the potential of forums as tools which enable participants to exchange their own reflections, findings and contributions and thus to engender mutually enriching collaborative learning. This will be enhanced through a double process that will include both a retrospective revision and assessment of the learning performance (feedback) and the search for a range of possible solutions to the detected difficulties. Thus, defining the prognosis or the course of actions for improved practice will prove as relevant in succeeding to achieve the learning objectives (feedforward) as the previous diagnosis itself.

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