Participación educativa en el desarrollo de serious games sobre bullying y uso seguro de InternetCaminando se hace el camino
ISSN: 2529-9638
Year of publication: 2017
Issue: 3
Pages: 13-24
Type: Article
More publications in: Revista Interuniversitaria de Investigación en Tecnología Educativa
Serious games are video games that can be designed with an educational purpose, so it is fundamental the presence of professionals from the educational field in their development. This article shows the participation of a group of professionals from the educational field in the project "eConfidence: Confidence in behavioural changes through serious games" (ref. 732420), funded by the European Union through the Horizon 2020 program, in which research groups and companies are taking part. With this project, researchers want to test a serious games development methodology to promote the change ofbehaviour in the users. Also, this methodology is going to be tested with the development of two serious games, one of them about the safe use of the Internet and the other about bullying, targeted for teenagers. For its development, these educators are taking part in several phases, such as literature review about the content of the games, the definition of educational metrics or the implementation of pilot tests in schools. In this text, a theoretical framework on both constructs (bullying and safe use of Internet) is showed and also on video games and serious games in education. Subsequently, we show the educational objectives, the methodological questions and the processes that have been carried out, the instruments, and the participants and sources of information used. Finally, we explain some of the results generated so far and some conclusions that have been reached based on the current situation of the project, all of these from the educational point of view.
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