Entorno personal de aprendizaje (PLE)una propuesta para desarrollar las competencias digital e informacional en la enseñanza universitaria del derecho en Colombia

  3. ACUÑA AGUIRRE, Stephan 2
  1. 1 Universidad de Salamanca

    Universidad de Salamanca

    Salamanca, España

    ROR https://ror.org/02f40zc51

  2. 2 Universidad Sergio Arboleda

    Universidad Sergio Arboleda

    Bogotá, Colombia

    ROR https://ror.org/02ckere89

Aula: Revista de Pedagogía de la Universidad de Salamanca

ISSN: 0214-3402

Year of publication: 2016

Issue Title: Museísmo pedagógico

Issue: 22

Pages: 271-287

Type: Article

DOI: 10.14201/AULA201622271287 DIALNET GOOGLE SCHOLAR lock_openOpen access editor

More publications in: Aula: Revista de Pedagogía de la Universidad de Salamanca

Sustainable development goals


Personal Learning Enviroment (PLE) is one of the most interesting concepts that has aroused among teachers and software engineers in the last time and that will have an impact on the next years among all the levels and modalities of education. ple is a product of various factors including a social web that is shown by tools and free access services based in an open code technology. But a PLE is not a kind of software or platform; it is a new view about how to use the technologies for the learning process both in the initial formation and the lifelong learning. This article has teaching in Law Schools in Colombia and the inexistence of juridical practice proposals that may develop the professional competencies linked to the non-formal and everyday learning and linked to personal learning environments. The target that we try to acquire is to create a PLE proposal supported by 2.0 technologies and orientated to encourage a lifelong learning that may develop the digital and informative competences in Law practice. We strongly believe that a PLE model will help the student acquire the knowledge, abilities and experiences that may allow them a personal and professional development in the frame of a lifelong learning program that will contribute to approach goals and opportunities in the information and communication society that is in constant evolution.

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