Examen a la evaluación institucional universitariael caso de la UAEM

  1. Barrera Baca, Alfredo
Dirixida por:
  1. Juana María Sancho Gil Director

Universidade de defensa: Universitat de Barcelona

Fecha de defensa: 02 de decembro de 2004

  1. Vicente Benedito Antolí Presidente/a
  2. Elena Cano García Secretario/a
  3. Miguel Ángel Santos Guerra Vogal
  4. Sebastián Rodríguez Espinar Vogal
  5. Carmen Martínez González Vogal

Tipo: Tese

Teseo: 123800 DIALNET lock_openTDX editor


The importance given to the educational evaluation, since the prescription or condition to accede through the extraordinary financing of programs or institutions, increases the complexity, not just in the technique, but the ethics, with risks of reproducing the original inequalities of the assessed entities, by bringing discredit on, of a public service unaware of interests and quality models. Enrolled on this context, as other public universities which development depends of additional resources and a much more scanty grant, The Universidad Autónoma del Estado de Mexico (UAEM) takes part in recent praxis of evaluation-accreditation of its educative programs. Nowadays, that the evaluation and quality in the education appears as a main character, as never before, the reflection have been avoided, about the supposed neutrality of its process, results and judgments; the political atmosphere and the utilitarian culture, relegate the interrogation about the quality in the evaluation. I chose the chases focused in the evaluation research, with a qualified design oriented to offer a different view about the way, politics and institutional praxis evaluation reply to the university educative principles (UAEM); by the way assisting to improve comprehension in the participants about evaluation, as a basis in the reflection and "a change of view" applying a new and professional intervention. In the appointed context, the university evaluation is focused on the praxis immersed in this institutional atmosphere; these are: the evaluation of The Development Plan, the evaluation of the Annual Activity Report, by the Glosa Commision of the University Council, The external evaluation of the CIEES for their institutional functions, an institutional self-evaluation CONAEVA and some evaluations to establish programs with extraordinary financing. The empirical phase of this research come across the documental analysis, the non-participant observation (2002 and 2003), ultimately, interviews with authorities and evaluative personnel, all of these, as a main resource. The reached preliminary results are analyzed and organized, to draft the research inform of the evaluative subject, holding as a basis the fundamental criterion of evaluation, proposed by Ernest R. House (1997) of veracity, esthetic and justice, and the educational evaluation standard, as utility, facility, honesty and precision of the Evaluation Centre of the Western University of Michigan (1994). The evaluation report, trying to instigate the comprehension and identification of the reader, presents an informal writing, narrative, with some quotations that illustrates judgments, descriptions and explications; proposing the different voices that analyze, debate and reflect about the university evaluation, and how the context eventualities have influence on these."