La educación y los medios de comunicación socialde la aldea global a la galaxia Internet

  1. Gutiérrez Pequeño, José Miguel
Tabanque: Revista pedagógica

ISSN: 0214-7742

Year of publication: 2008

Issue Title: Animación a la lectura

Issue: 21

Pages: 223-237

Type: Article

More publications in: Tabanque: Revista pedagógica


When in the 60´s Marshal McLuhan wrote his famous theory about the globalvillage, few could think that, 40 years later, the world would be a virtual society connected through a net of nets, what the sociologist manuel castells has called the internet galaxy. The education must, through the knowledge and the analysis of the social media, prepare foundations which may permit in the formal and non-formal education dominate different instruments which the mass media offer the teachers to work in the field of the society of the xxi century. This article defends that the study of the mcs must cover from the written press to the internet, but paying special attention to the icts for a better knowledge of the present society.