Repensando nuestros posicionamientos como profesoras de arte dentro de un escenario de cambios

  1. Carrasco, Sara Victoria
  2. García-Huidobro, Rosario
Educación artística: revista de investigación (EARI)

ISSN: 1695-8403 2254-7592

Year of publication: 2017

Issue: 8

Pages: 58-73

Type: Article

DOI: 10.7203/EARI.8.7246 DIALNET GOOGLE SCHOLAR lock_openDialnet editor

More publications in: Educación artística: revista de investigación (EARI)


This article rescues some ideas that for us, as art teachers, are relevant when facing the art teaching in the current Chilean education. These ideas emerge from some of the contributions share during the seminar "Dialogues between art education and the challenges of the XXI century", developed in July 2014 in Santiago, Chile. This meeting allowed us to dialogue and reflect, based on the stories and experiences of the academics that participated as speakers, how art education has been influenced by the new social, cultural, political and economic challenges which face the current situation in Chile in recent years. From here we rescue the notion of positioning and the postmodern perspective as main elementsto rethink the challenges of art education and the role of teachers in this labor.We conceived the notion of "positioning" as an element that can acquire a new sense from the post-structuralism stance and give another value to the educational practices of arts, allowing us to question and reflect our own roles as art teachers and some of the artistic discourses that are shared with the students in the educational process. Hence, we proposed to think our teaching task from a fluctuating position and constantly moves, where there is not only one way to be teachers, or one way to do or conform pedagogical relationships, with the intention to think others spaces and possibilities that allow students to reposition in the center of educational action from the significance of their own experiences. 

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