Posibilidades del programa KiVa para hacer frente al bullying homofóbico y transfóbico
- Granero Andújar, Alejandro 1
- Manzano León, Ana 2
Universidad de Extremadura
Universidad de Almería
ISSN: 1130-2496, 1988-2793
Ano de publicación: 2018
Volume: 29
Número: 4
Páxinas: 943-958
Tipo: Artigo
Outras publicacións en: Revista complutense de educación
In the present study, we have carried out a comparative analysis of needs and indications found to deal with homophobic and transphobic bullying in educational contexts, and potential and tools offered by the KiVa program. Our goal has been to find the possibilities of the program to tackle acute bullying based on homophobia and transphobia in schools of Elementary and Secondary Education. To this end, we conducted a literature review on the main databases for later extract the confluent features together that would allow us to achieve an understanding about the appropriateness or inappropriateness of the program to the needs and indications given in the literature and bullying research homo / trans-phobic. Our results have shown that continued use of KiVa program in schools and colleges can drastically reduce homophobic and transphobic bullying.
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