Las narrativas transmedias a través del aprendizaje basado en proyectos: Una experiencia práctica desde la iniciación a la docencia universitaria

  2. José Miguel CORREA GOROSPE
  3. Daniel Losada Iglesias
XX Jornadas universitarias de tecnología educativa: Jute 2012: Girona, 28 y 29 de junio de 2012

Publisher: Grup de recerca sobre Tecnologies de la Informació i la Comunicació en Educació ; Universitat de Girona = Universidad de Gerona

ISBN: 978-84-8458-409-4

Year of publication: 2012

Congress: Jornadas Universitarias de Tecnología Educativa (20. 2012. Girona)

Type: Conference paper


We deal the problem of the introduction to the University teaching of a beginner Professor with active methodologies and intensive use of ICT. The aim of this work has been to expose a new strategy applicable to the University level through intensive use of ICT in the subject "Organization of the educational center". To do this, we designed a collaborative methodology based on inquiry, through the so-called project "Gu ikerlari" ("We investigators"), because as some authors have suggested (Libermann and Miller, 2004; Korthagen et al., 2006) learn to learn and learn to teach is a process that builds through the research of Professor in training. The project constituted by three consecutive phases, involves a sequence of steps that go from the definition of objectives to the dissemination of their learning to the community and the elaboration of a portfolio collecting the transmedia narrative developed by students.