La investigación sobre historias de vidade la identidad humanista a la subjetividad nómada
- Sancho Gil, Juana Mª
- Hernández-Hernández, Fernando
ISSN: 2695-2769
Año de publicación: 2020
Título del ejemplar: Narrativas, docencia universitaria e investigación educativa
Volumen: 1
Número: 3
Páginas: 34-45
Tipo: Artículo
Otras publicaciones en: Márgenes: Revista de Educación de la Universidad de Málaga
From the research trajectory of the authors and in dialogue with post-humanist contributions, this article addresses the issue of subjectivity in research on life stories. It does so by considering how the humanist ontoepistemological perspective guides a large part of the qualitative research of the 1980s and 1990s. This humanist orientation, which affects how life history research is approached, places the identity of those being researched in a web of dichotomies and binarisms. This plot, which is conducive to universal truths and values, focuses on the Cartesian cogito and the assumption of the researcher/researched who knows about themselves. In the second part we propose a shift towards a post-humanist subjectivity that pays attention to what would be a geography of assemblages. This approach can contribute to research into life histories from assembly strategies that make visible not the trajectory of a singular, fixed, and predictable subject, but the displacements of a nomadic subject crossed by multiplicities. As this is about contributing to a research perspective that recognises the limitations of ‘one’ story, that theorises the ethics of narratives and that confronts the limits of the narrative ‘I’.
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