La investigación de la identidad de las futuras profesoras de Educación Especial como acompañamiento en el Trabajo de Fin de Grado.

  1. Correa Gorospe, José Miguel
Investigar para acompañar el cambio educativo y social: el papel de la Universidad : libro de actas
  1. Calvo Salvador, Adelina (coord.)
  2. Rodríguez Hoyos, Carlos (coord.)
  3. Haya Salmón, Ignacio (coord.)

Publisher: Santander, AUFOP-Universidad de Cantabria, 2014

ISBN: 978-84-697-1382-2

Year of publication: 2014

Pages: 778-783

Congress: Congreso Internacional sobre la Formación del Profesorado (13. 2014. Santander)

Type: Conference paper


In this communication we discuss our role as chaperones on a process of research and personal exploration of our students at the end of the initial training course. Describe and analyze the work process followed for the study of the subject on the construction of teacher identity. I analyze the various steps in the preparation of the work. We start first in a series of readings that serve to focus the narrative research methodology, then an autobiography is made for a working script centered recovery of personal and school experiences, selection of objects and images that give meaning to propose his career. This task ends with the identification of themes appeared and the development of a concept map to represent you treated them. Third would have to make a micro life story of a special education teacher, (because they are students of the minor in this specialty). For the development of this micro story of life, they have to prepare a script and face a narrative interview with the teacher, plan a meeting, record, transcribe and analyze the information gathered, develop a concept map that represents the emerging ideas of analysis the information collected. Fourthly based on similarities, overlaps and differences found we address the development of a text that tries to contextualize the results, and represent the results of the staff investigation process while the socially contextualized. It is a dialogue between autobiography itself, the micro life story of a special education teacher and the literature, to construct a representative and meaningful text.