Narrativas corporales y educación: vinculando conciencia corporal y estados de bienestar a través de técnicas psicocorporales

  1. María Esther Prados Megías 1
  2. Miguel Cantero Braojos 2
  1. 1 Universidad de Almería

    Universidad de Almería

    Almería, España


  2. 2 Centro MenSana. Granada
Familia, salud, psicología y educación
  1. David Padilla Góngora (ed. lit.)
  2. Rubén Trigueros Ramos (ed. lit.)
  3. José M. Aguilar Parra (ed. lit.)
  4. Remedios López Liria (ed. lit.)

Publisher: Editorial Universidad de Almería (edual) ; Universidad de Almería

ISBN: 978-84-1351-018-7

Year of publication: 2020

Pages: 27-34

Type: Book chapter


From the resurgence of theories such as neuroscience, emotional education and embodied cognition, the body, to the broadest and holistic sense, is the source of inspiration and the investigation of new educational, formative, cultural and social approaches. This research has been carried out with 19 people (7 women, 12 men) between 22 and 40 years old in postgraduate university education in the Master of Science of Physical Activity and Sports (University of Almeria). This work uses as an instrument the use of «biographical narrative body stories» (38 stories). In the procedure, it is a theoretical and practical contribution of psycho-corporal techniques that approach the students to a better knowledge of themselves through a body awareness work. The bodywork is accompanied by photos of the students to facilitate the theoretical contribution. The information has been organized in six axes of analysis: 1. «Sports» body or body trained for sport; 2. «Suffering» body or injured body; 3. Body «excluded» or invisibilized; 4. Body and body image or a body for others; 5. Gym body versus healthy body; 6. Body that feels or the new «corporeal emotional» illiteracy. The body narratives bring us closer in the formation of students to the knowledge they have of themselves, the experiences they have lived and the meaning they give to their motor practices. At the same time, the information provided by the psycho-corporal techniques broadens the spectrum of knowledge and the tools to consider that the body is not a mechanical instrument, but the direct access to experience, the history of life and the buildings on which it is built. builds your future profession.