Metodologías de aprendizaje colaborativo mediado por las TIC en educación secundaria

  1. Acosta Corporan, Rosalba
unter der Leitung von:
  1. Azucena Hernández Martín Doktormutter
  2. Antonio Víctor Martín García Co-Doktorvater/Doktormutter

Universität der Verteidigung: Universidad de Salamanca

Fecha de defensa: 23 von November von 2020

  1. Ana García-Valcárcel Muñoz-Repiso Präsidentin
  2. Francisco Ignacio Revuelta Domínguez Sekretär
  3. Adriana Gewerc Barujel Vocal

Art: Dissertation

Teseo: 648633 DIALNET lock_openTESEO editor

Ziele für nachhaltige Entwicklung


The uncertainty experienced at the beginning of this year 2020, as a result of the pandemic that started in China and has spread throughout the world, has forced the school to reinvent itself in an unprecedented situation, generating learning scenarios, old for some and new and forced for others. This situation has caused great confusion, since teachers and students were not sufficiently prepared, among other things, due to ignorance, lack of adaptation to new technologies, lack of connectivity and forms of online assessment, etc. Consequently, the implementation of effective pedagogical practices is very difficult. Given this reality, we cannot ignore that Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) are vital for education, but these must be accompanied by a gear of pedagogical elements. In this sense, this research proposes Collaborative Learning Methodologies through ICT as an effective model to improve learning in the classroom and promote continuous training among teachers. Although it is a generalizable area, our work has as a cultural, socioeconomic and geographic framework secondary education in the Dominican Republic. Specifically, the general objective of this study is to evaluate the ICT-mediated collaborative learning methodologies used by teachers in the technical professional and high school (secondary) modality in public and subsidized educational centers in Santo Domingo, San Cristóbal and Villa Altagracia. A quasi-experimental design and a mixed methodology were used. First, through a questionnaire applied to 542 teachers with open and closed questions that evaluated teachers' conceptions, level of knowledge of ICT tools and collaborative practices with students and colleagues. The findings found indicated that teachers have a good understanding of collaborative methodologies, but needed more training in this area. As a pilot test, a training proposal was designed and implemented for 28 teachers, who improved their skills in these methodologies. As a result of this course-workshop, five teachers who participated in a case study were monitored. To monitor and evaluate the projects, the following tools were used to collect the necessary information to provide content to the case studies: teacher follow-up guide, observer guide and student rubric. The triangulation of the instruments indicated significant differences regarding student satisfaction and the teaching role. The better the perception of the students about the teaching role, the greater was their motivation. Likewise, other indicators were found referring to the improvement of social skills or increased learning.