Ética y pedagogías de los cuidados en escuelas de Barcelona. Posibilidades, cuestionamientos y resistencias

  1. Paula Estalayo Bielsa 1
  2. Fernando Hernández Hernández 1
  3. Paula Lozano Mulet 1
  4. Juana María Sancho Gil 1
  1. 1 Universitat de Barcelona

    Universitat de Barcelona

    Barcelona, España

    ROR https://ror.org/021018s57

Revista Izquierdas

ISSN: 0718-5049

Year of publication: 2022

Issue Title: Movimientos sociales, activismos y resistencias desde la escuela

Issue: 51

Type: Article

More publications in: Revista Izquierdas


This article assumes that care relationships that occur in the daily practices of the school are fundamental for the integral development of students, but at the same time they can function as a palliative against the tensions that converge in educational institutions and the structural inequalities that are not addressed from the political measures. This text presents an approach to the thought and proposals that support the ethics and pedagogies of care. In the second, based on observations, interviews and conversation groups, different senses of care are explored in pedagogical relationships and in the lives of two schools in Barcelona. The third part explores the need to reverse some of the logics that underpin care pedagogies and link them with a critical and transformative sense. A sense that resituates pedagogical and social relations from the periphery to the centre and builds democratising pedagogical practices.