Diseño y validación de la Escala de Autopercepción y Percepción del Acoso Escolar en Adolescentes (APAE-A)
- Lucía Álvarez Blanco 1
- María Teresa Iglesias García 1
- Antonio Urbano Contreras 1
- Verónica García Díaz 1
Universidad de Oviedo
ISSN: 0034-8082
Année de publication: 2022
Titre de la publication: Acoso escolar y riesgos de Internet : diagnóstico, prevención e intervención
Número: 397
Pages: 15-42
Type: Article
D'autres publications dans: Revista de educación
This study constructs and validates the Self-perception and Perception of Bullying in Adolescents Scale to offer an instrument to assess bullying globally, also trying to make it quick and straightforward to complete. A total of 10,795 students of Compulsory Secondary Education with an average age of 13.94 years (51.1% girls and 48.9% boys) from public (54.4%) and state-subsidised (45.5%) schools in the Principality of Asturias (Spain) participated. The total sample was randomly divided into two halves for cross-validation with an Exploratory Factor Analysis (EFA) and a Confirmatory Factor Analysis (CFA) on the subsamples mentioned above. The results present a scale with good reliability (α = .86) and composed of 27 items and 4 factors: Behaviours involving bullying (F1), Bullying behaviours witnessed (F2), Bullying behaviours experienced (F3), and Reaction to bullying behaviours (F4). The scale obtained is invariant according to the type of school, gender, and year. The brevity, simplicity, and reliability of this scale indicate that it may be of interest both at a research or diagnostic level and, later, in professional practice and socio-psycho-educational intervention from an eminently preventive or coping approach to bullying during adolescence.
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