La incorporación del alumnado de procedencia extranjera a los centros de educación infantil y primaria de la Región de Murciavaloración de los maestros

  1. Cerezo Maiquez, Maria Del Carmen
Supervised by:
  1. Josefina Lozano Martínez Director

Defence university: Universidad de Murcia

Fecha de defensa: 18 December 2015

  1. Juan Manuel Escudero Muñoz Chair
  2. Auxiliadora Sales Ciges Secretary
  3. María Pilar Colás Bravo Committee member

Type: Thesis


ABSTRACT In the research "The addition of students from abroad centers and Primary Education in the Region of Murcia: assessment of teachers" subject of doctoral dissertation, a theoretical framework is presented and focused on the status of centers with respect to the teaching of foreign family students. Moreover, an objective searching of educational laws at the state and regional level is analyzed, in where we collect the current regulations regarding the performance of the educational community to the incorporation of foreign students. Finally, organizational and curricular measures that have occurred or are being developed in centers of Primary Education in the Autonomous Community of the Region of Murcia (CARM) after the incorporation of these students are analyzed. The main objective is to collect the evaluation of teachers on how schooling is done, and which are the school curriculum and organizational changes that has led to the integration of students from foreign families in public and private primary schools in the Region of Murcia. The sample of 469 teachers who belong to 29 centres, including both public and private schools. Among the most relevant conclusions, we could say that teachers believe that the education of foreign students is difficult for the teacher and the student is enrolled, mostly in state schools. Therefore, it is necessary to provide senior centers personnel and material resources by the educational administration, particularly specialized support, and specifically the figure of the cultural mediator interpreter when families come to Spain and do not know the Spanish. All this is collected, mainly, by public school teachers because they see it as an agent of change, development and social improvement but find that, in some cases, it is producing a factor of students in flight public schools agreed to the presence of immigrant students. Therefore, teachers believe that this process is properly carried by the centers but not by the administration, and mainly demand equal education in all schools, regardless of ownership. For this research, it has followed a mixed quantitative and qualitative methodology. From the quantitative perspective a likert questionnaire has been used, with 56 items grouped in six dimensions, which provide answers to specific research objectives, which focus on the process of education of foreign students, school organization, the process of receiving, classroom organization (methodological issues) the teaching of Spanish as a foreign language and the current situation regarding the incorporation of foreign students to the centers. From the qualitative approach, on the one hand, the same questionnaire was used, as the same was composed of several open questions, including a section of suggestions where teachers have incorporated comments on the necessary changes to improve the schooling of students in cross-cultural contexts and multilingual. Finally, we have conducted a discussion group whose aim was to complement and argue some answers obtained in quantitative analysis. Therefore, for teachers is palpable that diversity of students has increased in schools, and to which they ask for more training to meet the new educational and social reality and specifically for teaching Spanish as a second language.