El aprendizaje de competencias en los MOOCuna Revisión Sistemática de Literatura
- Romero-Córdova, Juan Francisco 1
- Arriazu-Muñoz, Rubén 2
- 1 Universidad Tecnológica Equinoccial (Ecuador)
- 2 Universidad de Extremadura (España)
ISSN: 1695-288X
Year of publication: 2023
Volume: 22
Issue: 1
Pages: 107-122
Type: Article
More publications in: RELATEC: Revista Latinoamericana de Tecnología Educativa
Massive Open Online Courses (MOOC) are an essential element to understand the digital, ubiquitous and segmented transformation of learning processes in the last decade. This article aims to analyse this issue through a Systematic Literature Review (SLR) that delves into scientific research whose main focus is the teaching-learning processes and the development of educational competences in MOOCs. To develop this work, we started from the criteria and recommendations of the PRISMA protocol (2020) and the search using keywords in the SCOPUS and WOS databases in the period from 2010 to 2021. The search combinations have been carried out using Boolean operators and screening using the following selection criteria: 1) Educational Stage (Primary, Secondary and Higher Education), 2) Target audience (Teachers, Students, Managers), 3) Type of Studies (Quantitative, Qualitative and Mixed Studies) and 4) Types of Competences Developed (Digital, Didactic, Pedagogical and Curricular). All these criteria lead us to an initial sample of 1,766 scientific articles that, finally, after the filtering process was reduced to 43 scientific publications. The results of the research point to the importance of personalising and making learning environments more flexible in MOOCs oriented towards the development of educational competences in order to mitigate problems such as dropout or lack of motivation.
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