Casos prácticos de Economía y Empresas

  1. Alicia Guerra Guerra
  2. Jorge Guerra Antequera

Publisher: Servicio de Publicaciones ; Universidad de Extremadura

ISBN: 9788491271543

Year of publication: 2022

Type: Book


This book represents a practical continuation of the "Manual online collections UEX - 103", entitled Economics and Business Guide and published by Alicia Guerra Guerra, one of the two authors of the one presented here. The Economics and Business subject is taught in all engineering and architecture degrees at the Polytechnic School, so the need for this published Manual was evident as it became the benchmark for said subject. But no less evident was also the need to complement said Manual with another destined to collect a set of Practical Cases that developed the theoretical contents collected in that published Manual. Therefore, both books are defined in a theoretical-practical work unit of the Economics and Business subject such that one cannot be understood without the existence of the other. In short, both manuals together are intended to address the training of the Economics and Business subject, it is recalled that it is compulsory in all grades of the Polytechnic School of the University of Extremadura.