The use of ICT in Secondary Music Education and its relationship with teachers’ beliefs

  1. Guadalupe Hernández Portero
  2. Pilar Colás Bravo
Digital Education Review

ISSN: 2013-9144

Year of publication: 2022

Issue: 42

Pages: 1-15

Type: Article

More publications in: Digital Education Review


One of the most notable effects that COVID 19 has engendered in education is the ICT use in teaching at all educational levels. This study provides data on the ICT usage by teachers in the teaching of Music in Secondary Education in Andalusia (Spain). It also explores the relationship between ICT practices and teachers' perceptions of the educational value of ICT for teaching and learning. The empirical results obtained indicate that Secondary Education Music teachers use ICT in their teaching in a highly heterogeneous manner, with limited use prevailing. A statistically significant relationship is also observed between ICT practices in music teaching and teachers' beliefs regarding the educational value of ICT as a tool for teaching and student learning

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