El trastorno mental grave en el ámbito educativoRetos y oportunidades

Supervised by:
  1. Cristina Sánchez Romero Director

Defence university: UNED. Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia

Fecha de defensa: 02 June 2023

  1. José Jesús Gázquez Linares Chair
  2. Inmaculada Escudero Secretary
  3. Alejandro Rodríguez Martín Committee member

Type: Thesis

Teseo: 819690 DIALNET lock_openTESEO editor


In this doctoral thesis, we have worked on three hypotheses throughout the development of the thesis, which coincides with the three articles published for the defence of the thesis. The three are related and we have presented them sequentially. We began our research by learning about the reality that students with Serious Mental Desorder (SMD) find in their schools. Our initial hypothesis was that the care received by students with SMD in their schools is not inclusive, and at the same time it is not conducive to the personal and educational development of this population. The data we have obtained leads us to affirm that this is the case, that the hypothesis is true. Next, we looked at the relationship between SMD and early school leaving. We started from the data obtained in the first part of the research, from which we could infer that students with SMD were at greater risk of dropping out of school earlier than the rest of the population. Working with this statement as a hypothesis, we have obtained data that allows us to infer that students with SMD do have higher rates of early school dropout than the rest of the population. Having understood the context in which the academic life of students with SMD takes place and confirmed the risk they face, we decided to focus on those elements that define the reality of a student with SMD and help them to progress positively in the academic sphere. To do this, we started from the hypothesis that students with SMD who achieve academic success, understood as not dropping out of school early once they reach the age of majority, establish a compensatory relationship between protective factors and risk factors. In this game of tension between one group of factors and the other, the result ends up being positive. To this end, we have defined the main factors of students with SMD in order to understand how these factors are applied in students with SMD who have achieved academic success. Finally, we have proposed an intervention in the academic context for students with SMD that contemplates the results obtained based on the results obtained in each of the hypotheses.