The Mediation of Music in the Development of Intrapersonal and Action Skills in Early Teacher Education
- María-de-la-O Cortón-Heras 1
- Rosa Soliveres-Buigues 2
- Andrea Giraldez-Hayes 3
- José-Luis Parejo 1
Universidad de Valladolid
Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México
University of East London
ISSN: 2014-6418
Year of publication: 2023
Volume: 12
Issue: 2
Pages: 116-148
Type: Article
More publications in: Qualitative Research in Education
Soft skills enable the individual to successfully face the problems and challenges of a complex society influx and under constant uncertainty. Music, in its different forms of expression, is here introduced as an ideal tool for the development of intrapersonal and action skills such as adaptability, optimism and proactivity. In thispaper we analyse a case study regarding a project carried out by and for future teachers. Our data collection methods included questionnaires, observations, student productions and interviews. The results reveal thatmusic can be a mediating element for the development of soft skills. Specifically, it has been observed that music can help the individual to face andeffectively resolve changing and novel situations that require self-efficacy, self-confidence and social support. Music can also improve the physical and socio-emotional well-being of individuals as well as helping them successfully face adversity.
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