De la educabilidad a la Aceptación de la tecnología y alfabetización en Inteligencia Artificial: validación de un instrumento

  1. Cristina Galván Fernández
  2. Diego Calderón-Garrido
Digital Education Review

ISSN: 2013-9144

Year of publication: 2024

Issue: 45

Pages: 8-14

Type: Article

More publications in: Digital Education Review


In the first wave of AI, Susan Leigh Star made visible how the development of AI was done without social consensus by considering Davis' studies in relation to the acceptance of technology in the world of work. The conclusions derived, known as the Durkheim test, respond to the antonyms that are being formulated during the settlement of AI in educational discourses. Recognising that the act of educating today is nourished from the most libertarian pedagogies to those more driven by political agendas, there are multiple educational perspectives in relation to AI. In this diversity, the different fields of educational action may or may not adopt AI from an instrumental and/or social perspective. Despite the topicality of the subject, researchers are still lacking instruments to analyse the positions of the educational community in general and of the student stratum in particular. For this reason, the aim of this article is to adapt and validate two surveys that have shown excellent results in their original versions, as well as to analyse the relationship between the two. For this purpose, the adaptation of the technology acceptance survey and the AI literacy survey has been applied to a sample of 134 students from different Masters in Education programmes. The exploratory factor analysis and the subsequent confirmatory factor analysis have shown the validity of the adapted instrument.

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