Eficacia de la formación inicial del profesorado en diseño universal para el aprendizaje en el desarrollo de competencias docentes para la atención a la diversidad

Supervised by:
  1. Ainara Zubillaga del Río Director
  2. Carmen Alba Pastor Director

Defence university: Universidad Complutense de Madrid

Fecha de defensa: 01 June 2022

  1. María Castro Morera Chair
  2. Irene Martínez Martín Secretary
  3. Sonia Casillas Martín Committee member
  4. Daniel Losada Iglesias Committee member
  5. Teresa González Ramírez Committee member

Type: Thesis


Diversity is an inherent quality of any human group. In educational contexts, students’ diversity in personal variables (such as socio-cultural and economic origin or native language), and in educational variables (such as prior knowledge, previous educational outcomes, interests and motivations, or specific needs), is expressed in a variety of ways of accessing knowledge, expressing what has been learned and becoming involved in the learning process. When this variability interacts with rigid curricula and teaching methods designed for an assumed "average" student, barriers to learning and participation are most likely to appear. The current paradigm of inclusive education encourages us to teaching using didactic models and approaches based on flexible curricular designs that consider the diversity of the students and maximize the learning opportunities of all. One of the most widespread and recognized approaches of this type is the so-called Universal Design for Learning (UDL)...