El modelo reflexivo en la formación de maestros y el pensamiento narrativoestudio de un caso de innovación educativa en el Practicum de Magisterio

  1. Gutiérrez Cuenca, Luis Pedro
  2. Correa Gorospe, José Miguel
  3. Jiménez de Aberasturi Apraiz, Estibaliz
  4. Ibáñez Etxeberria, Alex
Revista de educación

ISSN: 0034-8082

Year of publication: 2009

Issue Title: La formación de profesores de Educación Secundaria

Issue: 350

Pages: 493-505

Type: Article

More publications in: Revista de educación


In this article we describe the experience of educational innovation that a group of professors at the University of the Basque Country has been developing for the last five years with our students in the School of Teacher Education in the class of Practicum II. This experience is based on the reflexive model for teacher training and on the usage of narrative as a pedagogical method. Thus, first we try to define our idea of reflection on the action starting out from features such as introspection, collaboration, critical thinking and desire to change the school. Next, with the help of the most representative authors of the narrative reasoning, we justify the choice of the ethnographic stories as a literary style that covers this reflection model more precisely. To end with this first part, we describe the learning context where the experience takes place, that is, the practicum and the learning situation that we create around it. The second part of the article involves the story of teaching experience and the conclusions drawn thereof. To do so we travel throughout the experience of a real student with a fictitious name (Leire), describing her process in an ethnographical manner, (as well as our process) during the six weeks that her practicum lasted. In the conclusions we propose that the inquisitive attitude of Leire is the cause of the group's desire to find out, which organized in an e-forum, created local knowledge in a collaborative process. Finally, these conclusions are debated in the last section. Here, the dangers and abuses that can appear in the stories of the teaching experiences are singled out. In addition, there is a debate on the learning in e-forums, as well as a justification of the choice of Leire as the main character of the story.

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