Investigar con y sobre los jóvenes colaborando y educando

  1. Domingo Coscollola, María
  2. Sánchez Valero, Joan-Anton
  3. Sancho Gil, Juana María
Comunicar: Revista Científica de Comunicación y Educación

ISSN: 1134-3478

Year of publication: 2014

Issue Title: ¿La revolución de la enseñanza?

Issue: 42

Pages: 157-164

Type: Article

DOI: 10.3916/C42-2014-15 DIALNET GOOGLE SCHOLAR lock_openDialnet editor

More publications in: Comunicar: Revista Científica de Comunicación y Educación


This paper reports on collaborative research on and with young people. In this study five groups of students in the final year of their Compulsory Secondary Education (CSE) from five different schools developed five ethnographic studies about how they communicate, express themselves and learn inside and outside school, with the support and collaboration of teachers and members of our research group. The paper begins by discussing the dimensions of collaboration in education, taking into account the contribution of collaborative and cooperative learning, and the potential of digital resources, situating earlier influences and characterizing the work realised. Then there is a description of the research carried out on and with the young people we invited to perform as investigators. The results focus on the description and conceptualization of the different types of collaboration that have emerged while carrying out the ethnographic studies in each of the schools using digital technologies. Finally, we discuss the implications and limitations of the work as a contribution to anyone interested in researching on and with young people, collaborating, educating and using digital resources.

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