El e- portafolio en el proyecto Elkarrikertuzlas narrativas audiovisuales en el aprendizaje de la cultura escolar y la formación inicial del profesorado reflexivo

  1. José Miguel Correa Gorospe
  2. Estibaliz Jiménez de Aberasturi Apraiz
  3. Luis Pedro Gutiérrez Cuenca
RED: revista de educación a distancia

ISSN: 1578-7680

Year of publication: 2009

Issue Title: Portafolios electrónicos y educación superior en España

Issue: 8

Type: Article

More publications in: RED: revista de educación a distancia


Multimedia languages offer us the possibility of connecting our students´ learning with new digital languages while enhancing the processes of knowledge acquisition. We particularly focus on the value of audiovisual narratives in the reflexive teacher training, as a facilitative tool to comprehend and aprehend the educational reality. In this article we describe the elaboration and use of the portfolio as a bionarrative tool, and its context of use, its formats, its scaffoldings and possibilities, within the Project on Educational Innovation Elkarrikertuz (collaborative inquiry)