La metáfora cartográficarepresentaciones visuales sobre cómo aprende el profesorado

  1. Lorea Fernández Olaskoaga
Arte, ilustración y cultura visual: diálogos en torno a la mediación educativa crítica dentro y fuera de la escuela
  1. Estibaliz Jiménez de Aberasturi Apraiz (ed. lit.)
  2. Amaia Arriaga Azcárate (ed. lit.)
  3. Idoia Marcellán Baraze (ed. lit.)

Publisher: Universidad del País Vasco = Euskal Herriko Unibertsitatea

ISBN: 978-84-9082-799-4

Year of publication: 2018

Pages: 251-256

Congress: Congreso Internacional “Arte, Cultura visual e Ilustración en Educación Infantil y Primaria” (4. 2017. Donostia-San Sebastián)

Type: Conference paper


The use of metaphor as a rhetorical figure in everything related to the educational context is a well valued resource. It is a way of understanding how the elements that are part of the educational act, whether people, spaces or resources, are related. In this communication, we intend to show the metaphors created by Child and Primary Education teachers when we ask them how they learn in and out of school. This work is based on the research project “How teachers learn: educational implications and remains to face social change” [EDU2015-70912-C2-2-R (MINECO/ FEDER)] and based on an ethnographic methodology supported by the arts. We want to dialogue with the teachers about these creations to inquire about how the transit of learning occurs and consequently, the generation of knowledge, inside and outside the school.