Applied theatre in higher educationan innovative project for the initial training of educators
- Cristina del Moral Barrigüete 1
- Belén Massó Guijarro 1
Universidad de Granada
ISSN: 2448-3583
Year of publication: 2022
Volume: 7
Issue: 1
Pages: 2
Type: Article
More publications in: Educação & Formação
Drama presents multiple possibilities for promoting and enhancing communication, literary, and emotional skills in future educators. Theatre and dramatization have a direct impact on affectivity, provoking truly significant learning with a capacity for transformation, within a playful environment. In this paper, we present the design of an innovative proposal in the university context, which introduces theatre as an educational strategy in the four bachelor’s degrees taught in the Faculty of Education (Pre-School Education, Primary Education, Social Education and Pedagogy) at the University of Granada (Spain). This project is implemented by an interdisciplinary team composed of education specialists and drama specialists. The starting point for this work emerges from confidence in the potential of education and communication through words, and also through arts. The fundamental objective is to develop new curricular competencies in the participating students that might be essential to transform the current society in crisis. The results of this project would help to achieve a full creative and emotional linguistic-literary education, helped by the impulse and animation to the reading of literary, philosophical, and social texts while showing commitment to the complex and diverse society of today.
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