Metacognitive skills of undergraduate university studentsstudy based on three colombian institutions: Habilidades metacognitivas de estudiantes universitarios de pregrado: estudio en tres instituciones colombianas
- Gamboa Mora, María Cristina 1
- López-Rodríguez, Nelly M 2
- Vesga-Bravo, Grace J. 3
- Hernández-López, Fernando 1
Universidad Nacional Abierta
- 2 Autónoma de Bucaramanga University (UNAB)
Universidad Antonio Nariño
ISSN: 2027-212X, 0124-0137
Año de publicación: 2023
Título del ejemplar: July - December
Volumen: 26
Número: 50
Tipo: Artículo
Otras publicaciones en: Psicogente
Objective: The main goal of this study is to determine and compare the metacognitive abilities of undergraduate students in Colombia. Method: 1204 students from three different universities were involved, one of a public university and distance mode; and the other two private and face-to-face modality. The Metacognitive Awareness Inventory (MAI) validated for authors (2014) was applied. Tukey's HSD test was implemented to establish significant differences between institutions, the T-test was used to determine differences by gender, and Pearsons correlation was used to determine differences by semester. Results: Students have a high level of metacognitive abilities, with significant differences in favor of those in the distance mode. There are no significant differences by gender, although women have higher averages; nor by semester. Conclusion: Although students have a good development of their abilities, it is necessary to strengthen especially the evaluation process. The students who are trained through virtual distance methodology showed a greater degree of development of the metacognitive skills than those trained through face-to-face modality. This could be explained by a greater development of autonomy as an indicator of maturity for learning.
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