La docencia compartida como estrategia de inclusión en primaria. Una experiencia de investigación-acción
- Gutiérrez Moñino, Yolanda 1
- Braga Blanco, Gloria 2
- 1 Consejería de Educación. Principado de Asturias
Universidad de Oviedo
ISSN: 1130-2496, 1988-2793
Year of publication: 2024
Volume: 35
Issue: 1
Pages: 69-79
Type: Article
More publications in: Revista complutense de educación
This article describes the main findings of the first cycle of an action-research process of co-teaching developed during a school year in a public primary school. The work team has been formed by three professionals: the therapeutic pedagogy specialist (PT), the hearing and speech specialist (AL) and the tutor of a group of second grade of primary education. They designed inclusive activities to carry out in the reference group where a student with Special Educational Needs (n.e.e.) is enrolled. Two weekly sessions of co-teaching were held, guaranteeing the participation of all students in an action-research process. Diaries of all sessions (29 in total) were kept and analysed inductively and qualitatively. Seventeen thematic codes were obtained, which were grouped into seven categories and four dimensions: co-teaching strategies, life in the classroom, learning strategies of n.e.e students and teachers' beliefs/relationships. The analysis showed benefits of this methodology not only for the inclusion of all students but also for the professionalisation of teachers, although difficulties were not lacking either.
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