Modelo M-Learning+IAD para el aprendizaje basado en problemastécnicas didácticas para favorecer la relación Universidad-Empresa

  1. Torres Taborda, Sandra Liliana
Supervised by:
  1. Sonia Casillas Martín Director
  2. Marcos Cabezas González Co-director

Defence university: Universidad de Salamanca

Fecha de defensa: 18 April 2024

  1. Ana García-Valcárcel Muñoz-Repiso Chair
  2. Melchor Gómez García Secretary
  3. José António Marques Moreira Committee member

Type: Thesis

Teseo: 840133 DIALNET


The growing interest in integrating mobile learning (m-learning) into educational processes is an opportunity to address factors that frame the educational gaps in Latin America. This research focuses particularly on the relevance of carrying out meaningful university business internships for students and higher education institutions, and that these are available to parties. It is particularly important in the Colombian context given the scarcity of theoretical approaches that guide the development of effective strategies to implement business internships in virtual learning environments. The main objective is to develop an m-learning + ADR (Action- and Decision-oriented Research) model for Problem-Based Learning as didactic techniques to promote the university-business relationship. Based on a descriptive qualitative approach with a single case pre-experimental design, the subject of study is the students of the Faculty of Business and Business Sciences at Corporación Universitaria de Sabaneta (Unisabaneta), who are in the internship stage. A mobile application is designed and validated to favor the university-business relationship; it was named Academic Program for the Relationship with Companies (PARCE) and enabled all students to actively participate in real situations in the business world; which resulted in a notable increase in confidence in their theoretical knowledge and practical skills while maximizing Unisabaneta's relationship with the external sector. To conduct university business internships under ICT mediation, the ACREER Model is proposed. The Spanish acronym stands for Analysis, Collaboration, Resources and Guidance, Joint Evaluation, Effective Feedback, Validable Results. It seeks to promote the quality of education through a student-centered pedagogical approach that allows students to develop skills and competencies necessary to face the challenges of the labor market. It is composed of four essential elements that are effectively intertwined: Problem, Research, Action, and Evaluation. Favorable effects are observed both in academic performance and the evaluation of companies with respect to acquired professional competencies and skills, as well as a particular focus on the interaction between the university and the company by including genuine problematic situations and the dynamic participation of experts from the sector in the assessment of the solution alternatives presented by the students. This contribution has the potential to generate positive impacts both on the training process of students and on the practical application of knowledge in the labor market because the ACREER Model is adaptable to various levels and academic objectives.