Narrativas audiovisuales para sensibilizar en discapacidaddiseño, implementación y evaluación de un programa de formación

  1. Tapia León, Mariela Alexandra
Supervised by:
  1. Ana García-Valcárcel Muñoz-Repiso Director
  2. Verónica Basilotta Gómez-Pablos Director

Defence university: Universidad de Salamanca

Year of defence: 2024

  1. Alfonso Gutiérrez Martín Chair
  2. Erla Mariela Morales Morgado Secretary
  3. Vanesa Delgado Benito Committee member

Type: Thesis

Sustainable development goals


At the university level, students with disabilities have reported feeling marginalized and discriminated against in their study centers, and attitudinal barriers have been the main obstacles to their educational inclusion. Students have denounced the poor preparation of professors on disability issues and the lack of sensitivity of their professors and classmates to their disability, which justifies the implementation of training programs in this area. It has been found that disability awareness programs using the direct contact technique have succeeded in generating positive changes in attitudes towards persons with disabilities (PWD). However, these programs are implemented in face-to-face mode. To take advantage of the benefits of online education, REASENS, an open educational resource (OER) based on audiovisual narratives for disability awareness, has been designed, implemented, and evaluated.The OER applies an instructional design based mainly on video-based learning methodology and supported by learning theories such as the Cognitive Theory of Multimedia Learning, constructivism, meaningful learning, competency-based learning, and autonomous and self-regulated learning. Audiovisual narratives (including films, film clips, short films, interviews, reports, etc.) have been carefully selected and used as a didactic resource, in order to generate more meaningful learning. The films and film excerpts contained in the course were studied by means of an instrumental analysis with the purpose of obtaining a didactic utility that allows the cognitive and attitudinal development of those taking the course.The general objective of this doctoral thesis was to sensitize teachers to people with disabilities through the use of audiovisual narratives as a didactic resource. This document records the rigorous, systematic and methodical process for the design, development and evaluation of the REASENS sensitivity training course. The process that was carried out has ensured the quality of the design and the pedagogical value of the OER, and its evaluation has made it possible to demonstrate the effectiveness of the course in raising disability awareness and changing attitudes. During the process, various techniques and methods of descriptive research, documentary research, design-based research and action research were applied. We worked with both quantitative, qualitative approaches, which allowed us to have a holistic understanding of the problem and to develop a product with proven validity that can be used as a valuable tool to support educational inclusion.