Creatividad y memoria visual en alumnos de modalidad virtual en Universidad Colombiana

  1. Henry Acuña Barrantes 1
  2. Fátima Llamas Salguero 1
  3. Verónica López 1
  1. 1 Universidad Militar Nueva Granada (Colombia)
Revista Logos ciencia y tecnología

ISSN: 2145-549X

Year of publication: 2018

Volume: 10

Issue: 1

Pages: 13-267

Type: Article

DOI: 10.22335/RLCT.V10I1.513 DIALNET GOOGLE SCHOLAR lock_openOpen access editor

More publications in: Revista Logos ciencia y tecnología


The purpose of this article is to present the descriptive-qualitative results made to students between 16 to 35 years who study under the virtual modality at the Faculty of Distance studies of the new Granada Military University of Colombia (FAEDIS); The main objective is to investigate the relationship between creativity and visual memory in the virtual modality. Since similar studies are not known; this correlation was effectuated to a sample of 1009 student. They were evaluated using two questionnaires, Turtle Test and learning styles. The results showed that students to enter this modality must have high levels of creativity and a good visual memory, which is used when thinking about images.