El uso del campus virtual en un programa de acción tutorial de una Facultad de Formación del profesorado.

  1. Ana María Hernández Carretero
  2. María Carmen Garrido Arroyo
  3. María Rosa Fernández Sánchez
La relación pedagógica en la universidad, lo transdisciplinar y los estudiantes.: Desdibujando fronteras, buscando puntos de encuentro
  1. J. Paredes Labra
  2. F. Hernández Hernández
  3. José Miguel Correa Gorospe

Argitaletxea: Universidad Autónoma de Madrid

ISBN: 978-84-695-8202-2

Argitalpen urtea: 2013

Orrialdeak: 248-261

Mota: Liburuko kapitulua


It describes the implementation of a guidance plan serving students and teachers in educational qualifications from the University of Extremadura. It is supported in the virtual campus of the university. We used a questionnaire and a SWOT methodology. The main results refer to Virtual Campus platform support, and students appreciate direct communication, motivating, feeling they have a reference at any time to go in adaptation of their university life. For the mentor is a quick way of communication, management and programming of all sessions and learn, first hand, expectations, interests of students.