Educación Continua como Derecho Universal para Adaptarse a un Entorno Laboral en Cambio Acelerado

  1. Emilio Álvarez-Arregui 1
  2. Lucía Menéndez-Menéndez 1
  3. Marta María Álvarez Martínez-Cue
  4. Xavier Arreguit 2
  1. 1 Universidad de Oviedo. España
  2. 2 Innobridge S.L. Suiza
Revista DH/ED: derechos humanos y educación

ISSN: 2695-3935

Year of publication: 2022

Issue: 5

Pages: 45-67

Type: Article

More publications in: Revista DH/ED: derechos humanos y educación


Society, Economy and Education have always been interrelated based on the possibilities and conditions derived from the economic, social, structural, technological, political, legal, and functional fields concurrent at each historical moment. In the past, humans and legal entities had a greater capacity to respond to emerging demands, but since the Second World War, society has been involved in an environment that has no past history. Faced with the change of scenery, international agreements and declarations have moved from the Declaration of Hu-man Rights to the recognition of the Right to Education, which has favored its integration into the founding principles that guide the constitutions of democratic countries. In this regard, we present in this work some of the effects that the changing situation is generating in the work environment, since it entails a “revolution of competences” which requires to understand that Education and Training throughout Life must be consolidated as a right that affects everyone, which implies a commitment from the political, academic, social, and business spheres to build a Universal System of Lifelong, Sustainable and Co-responsible Learning